Beat the Heat with Natural Remedies


Beat the Heat with Natural Remedies | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |
Beat the Heat with Natural Remedies

A summer vacation calls for a lot of fun activities such as biking, swimming, road trips, beaches and many more. However, it also calls for an extra care for your body. Our bodies are made of 55–60% of water.

The water regulates the body temperature, facilitates bowel movements, and keeps the circulation healthy. Water is consumed in large amount in these processes.

How much water?

Our body loses around 2–3 litres of water every day and it’s our job to replenish it.

How much water should you drink in summer? | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |
How much water in summer?

So what do you have in your mind?

Do you wish to replenish it in an entirely boring way?

By drinking lots of water?

Or you want to make this activity fun?

Here are some awesome things you can to keep your body hydrated.

  1. Watermelon
Watermelon | Juicy Fruits in Summer | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |

A watermelon is 92% water. Along with it each yummy bite consist vitamin A, B6, C, and antioxidants, all of which are necessary for a healthy body in the summers. It has also a rich content of lycopene, a and amino acids and potassium.

2. Cucumber

Cucumber | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |

Cucumber has a tiny lead over the watermelon. Cucumber is 95% water. It’s also loaded with anti-inflammatory flavonol, antioxidants, and fibres. These nutrients keep the mind steady and body fit and healthy.

3. Curd

Curd | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |

Curd is a natural coolant hence it’s one of the tastiest ways of beating the heat. Along with cooling the body, it also reduces the body cholesterol level. The zinc, Vitamin E and phosphorus content works wonders for skin.

4. Coconut water

Coconut water | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |
Coconut water

The coconut water is 94% water. It’s also packed with vitamin, minerals, and other nutrients necessary for a healthy body in summers. Along with coconut water you can also yourself with buttermilk, sattu ka pani ,subja in water.

5. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |
Green leafy vegetables

It’s part of our daily conversation and a remedy to almost everything. Green leafy vegetable is high on water and fibre content. It also consists of vitamin K and antioxidants.

6. Onions

Onions | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |

Though you may shy away from it because of the smell, onions can work wonders for your body in summers. It consists quercetin which protects you from sun-stroke. The vitamin C content is good for skin and improves immunity. It also regulates your blood sugar.

Shield yourself from the Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is one of the most common cases in summer. It is the result of your body’s inability to maintain its temperature. The condition can be life threatening in cases where the body temperature goes beyond a certain limit.

But you can avoid it from happening with these simple remedies.

1. Wash Away the Heat

Wash Away the Heat | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |
Wash Away the Heat

Take shower twice a day. Avoid head bath at night time as it can give you headache.

2. Keep Your Shields Up

Keep Your Shields Up | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |
Keep Your Shields Up

Use umbrellas, sunscreens, and glares to protect the skin from heat. Use SPF 35- 50 twenty minutes before you go out in the sun for best results.

3. Remember the Golden Rule

Remember the Golden Rule | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |
Golden Rule for Summer

After coming back from swimming don’t eat anything immediately! Try to drink hot water with jiggery or honey then eat something so that your body temperature is maintained.

4. Make Up Will Make Things Worst

Make Up Will Make Things Worst | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |
Make Up in Summer

Use little to no make-up so that your skin doesn’t get clogged and develop pimples!

5. Your Skin Needs Water Too

Your Skin Needs Water Too | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |
Your Skin Needs Water Too

Apply aloe vera pulp and ice cubes on face daily at bedtime to retain the skin moisture and reduce tanning.

6. Not too Hot and Not too Cold

Not too Hot and Not too Cold | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |
Not too Hot and Not too Cold

Don’t sit under the fan, cooler or AC directly. You should be particularly careful about the kids who suffer from cold and cough frequently. Use cotton ear plugs to maintain the body temperature internally when near an AC / cooler.

7. Wear Light, Feel Light

Wear Light, Feel Light | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |
Wear Light, Feel Light in Summer

Avoid dark colours and opt for the pastel colours. Wear breathable cotton / linen so that your body can breathe which. This will help you avoid heat rashes.

8. The Shinier the Hotter

The Shinier the Hotter | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |
The Shinier the Hotter

Avoid excessive oiling of hair. If you have an oily scalp, try to wash your hair frequently. Keep the scalp clean to avoid dandruff and itchy scalp

9. Say No to Packaged Food

Say No to Packaged Food | PHCC | Dr. Nidhi | Holistic Healing | Summer Remedies |
Say No to Packaged Food

Avoid hot food kept in plastics and aluminium foils as it might harm your stomach and create acidity and low immunity.

With these sought after remedies we are confident that you will beat the heat and not the fun, this summer. Happy Vacation!



Prakash Holistic Health Care Centre
Prakash Holistic Health Care Centre

Written by Prakash Holistic Health Care Centre

Its about REVIVING VITALITY through a holistic approach and get cured from diseases by preventive measures!

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